Boxing Day meet is a snowy spectacle

Stacey and Abigail McCraw from Hawick at the Jed-forest Hunt at Denholm.Stacey and Abigail McCraw from Hawick at the Jed-forest Hunt at Denholm.
Stacey and Abigail McCraw from Hawick at the Jed-forest Hunt at Denholm.
The festive season has always been the most popular period of the hunting season in the past, and this year proved no different for the Jed Forest Hunt.

It held its traditional hunt in Denholm on Boxing Day, attracting a large crowd of mouted and foot supporters.

Dozens of riders of all ages and hounds from the hunt’s stables at Abbotrule, near Bonchester Bridge, were met at the green by a large crowd of supporters.

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They enjoyed refreshments from Denholm’s Fox and Hound Inn before taking to the countryside around Ruberslaw, led by huntsman Johnny Riley.

Harry, David and Katie Reddilough at Denholm for the Jed Forest Hunt's Boxing Day meet.Harry, David and Katie Reddilough at Denholm for the Jed Forest Hunt's Boxing Day meet.
Harry, David and Katie Reddilough at Denholm for the Jed Forest Hunt's Boxing Day meet.

The annual spectacle is seen as an opportunity for the hunt to thank all those the farmers and landowners over whose land they ride, and the subscribers and members of the public who have followed it throughout the year.

Hunt member Ronan Brown said: “We had a lovely meet at the Fox and Hound pub in Denholm, and we had 30-odd mounted followers and between 50 and 100 people out on the green.

“Obviously, the weather meant it was challenging, but we did manage to put some jumps up. It was a lovely day for it, but the snow did make it a bit slippery underfoot for the horses.”

The hunt will visit Bonchester Bridge on New Year’s Day, stopping at the Horse and Hound pub at noon.