Survey launched to gauge public opinion on future of Melrose bank

The Royal Bank of Scotland branch in Melrose.The Royal Bank of Scotland branch in Melrose.
The Royal Bank of Scotland branch in Melrose.
Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale MSP Christine Grahame is urging Borderers to have their say on the future of Melrose's Royal Bank of Scotland branch by taking part in a survey.

The Scottish Government’s economy committee is carrying out that survey on the planned closures to gauge public opinion. It can be found at

Ms Grahame said: “Local banking services are vital to communities in the Borders, and many people are still dependent on high street services, including local businesses for paying in cash and so forth.

“This is a lifeline service for some.

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“Whilst I’m pleased the closure decision has been put off for now, it is extremely important that RBS listens to the needs of customers in Melrose and recognises that there is a continued need for face-to-face provision beyond 2018.”

“I’d encourage everyone with an interest to make sure they complete the economy committee’s online survey to ensure their voices are heard.

“As a reserved issue, the UK Government needs to act to ensure the industry is properly regulated and customers and businesses are properly catered for across Scotland.

“In the meantime, the Scottish Government will continue to engage with the industry to mitigate as much as possible the economic and social impact of the planned closures.”