New TV role for Hamish and Doug

Hamish Dykes and his dog Doug who appear in the new Scotch Lamb TV advert.Hamish Dykes and his dog Doug who appear in the new Scotch Lamb TV advert.
Hamish Dykes and his dog Doug who appear in the new Scotch Lamb TV advert.
Borders farmer Hamish Dykes is set to make an appearance in the new Scotch Lamb TV advert which will be launched by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) next week.

Hamish and his handsome working dog, Doug, were filmed on the family farm, South Slipperfield, near West Linton, for the advert which will make its debut on Monday.

Scots consume only around half of the average UK consumption of lamb per head and the TV campaign forms part of a major ongoing drive to inspire those north of the border about this natural ingredient.

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The majority of the 30-second commercial focuses on a selection of simple Scotch Lamb PGI dishes highlighting how quick and easy this meat can be.

Hamish appears near the start of the advert and communicates a sense of the pride farmers who produce Scotch Lamb have.

Hamish, who farms with his wife Susie, starred with his family in the BBC series Lambing Live a few years ago. The couple, and their children, are among a network of Scotch Lamb champions around the country who are supporting the QMS campaign to inspire Scots about the natural product which they have on their doorsteps.

The TV advertising will be complemented by a radio campaign in October and forms part of QMS’s ‘Scotch Lamb, Naturally’ campaign to inspire and encourage consumers in Scotland to seek out lamb as a tasty, quick, simple meal. The nine-week long drive also includes billboard, press, digital, social and radio advertising.

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It will run for the entire month of October as part of a major push behind Scotch Lamb PGI, partly-financed by £200,000 of support from the Scottish Government announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at Turriff Show. The new campaign highlights what sets Scotch Lamb PGI apart, as well as its versatility and simplicity as a cooking ingredient, and is set to reach 4.2m consumers (94% of the adult population) during September and October.

“We are delighted with the new TV advert which communicates the care and pride those working in our industry share in the Scotch Lamb they produce, as well as just how simple and quick lamb is to share as a meal for any day of the week,” said Carol McLaren, director of marketing with QMS.

“Scotch Lamb is a gem in Scotland’s fantastic larder and we are looking forward to the new TV campaign playing a key part in helping to inspire people to take a fresh look at lamb.”

Butchers and chefs will also be joining in the campaign activity. Scotch Butchers’ Club members who serve lamb have received point-of-sale kits featuring recipes from six ‘hero’ lamb dishes.