Celebrations in order for young Irish dancers

Dancers from the Galashiels-based Ward School of Irish Dance.Dancers from the Galashiels-based Ward School of Irish Dance.
Dancers from the Galashiels-based Ward School of Irish Dance.
Dancers from the Borders are celebrating the end of a triumphant year on the competition circuit, with success at a major championship last month.

Girls from the Galashiels-based Ward School of Irish Dance, returned from the European Irish Dance Championships held in London last month, where they brought home six top-10 places and two first-place European Champion titles.

Competitors Sinead McLaren, Jane Costello, Aimée Blair, Amelia Hockey, Molly Turnbull, Lauren Hume and Gemma Yoxall performed well, while Melody O’Brien,15, and Skye Crawford,16, were crowned European Champions in their grades.

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Earlier competition success was celebrated in October when Aimée, Sinead, Ola Sobczak, Alekse Voroshilova, Cayla McArdle, Jenna McMillan, Rachel Brown and Erin Turnbull brought home 86 medals between them from the Yorkshire Rose championship.

Dancers from the Galashiels-based Ward School of Irish Dance.Dancers from the Galashiels-based Ward School of Irish Dance.
Dancers from the Galashiels-based Ward School of Irish Dance.

Burgh Primary School pupil Aimée was crowned the 11 years and under Yorkshire Rose Trophy champion, while Jenna,from Galashiels Academy, won the 13 years and under Yorkshire Rose Reel championship. Away from the competition circuit, the girls recently performed alongside the cast of touring show Forty Shades of Green meets Country Roads at the Brunton Theatre in Musselburgh.

Dance instructor Joanne McGowan said: “The girls were all fantastic and received a great welcome and reception from the audience, cast and crew.

“The dancers are really brilliant and they all share such great experiences together, we are all very proud of everyone.”